Setupdiag run

Setupdiag run 


PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> D:\DOWNLOADS\SetupDiag.exe

SetupDiag v1.6.0.0
Copyright (©) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Searching for setup logs...
Found C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\Panther\setupact.log with update date 2020-07-17 23:57:13 to be the correct setup log.
Found C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\Rollback\setupact.log with update date 2020-07-18 00:17:15 to be the correct rollback log.

Gathering baseline information from setup logs...

SetupDiag: processing rule: CompatScanOnly.
...No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: PlugInComplianceBlock.
...No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: BitLockerHardblock.
...No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: VHDHardblock.
...No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: PortableWorkspaceHardblock.
...No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: AuditModeHardblock.
...No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: SafeModeHardblock.
...No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: InsufficientSystemPartitionDiskSpaceHardblock.
...No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: CompatBlockedApplicationAutoUninstall.
...No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: CompatBlockedApplicationDismissable.
...No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: CompatBlockedApplicationManualUninstall.
...No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: HardblockDeviceOrDriver.
...No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: HardblockMismatchedLanguage.
..No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: HardblockFlightSigning.
..No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: DiskSpaceBlockInDownLevel.
..No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: DiskSpaceFailure.
..No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: PreReleaseWimMountDriverFound.
..No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: DeviceInstallHang.
...No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: BootFailureDetected.
......No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: WinSetupBootFilterFailure.
.No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: FindDebugInfoFromRollbackLog.
..No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: AdvancedInstallerFailed.
..No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: AdvancedInstallerGenericFailure.
..No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: FindMigApplyUnitFailure.
..No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: FindMigGatherUnitFailure.
..No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: FindMigGatherApplyFailure.
..No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: OptionalComponentFailedToGetOCsFromPackage.
..No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: OptionalComponentOpenPackageFailed.
..No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: OptionalComponentInitCBSSessionFailed.
..No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: CriticalSafeOSDUFailure.
..No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: UserProfileCreationFailureDuringOnlineApply.
..No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: UserProfileCreationFailureDuringFinalize.
..No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: WimMountFailure.
..No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: WimMountDriverIssue.
..No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: WimApplyExtractFailure.
..No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: UpdateAgentExpanderFailure.
.No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: FindFatalPluginFailure.
..No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: MigrationAbortedDueToPluginFailure.
..No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: DISMAddPackageFailed.
..No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: DISMImageSessionFailure.
..No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: DISMproviderFailure.
..No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: SysPrepLaunchModuleFailure.
..No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: UserProvidedDriverInjectionFailure.
..No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: FindSuccessfulUpgrade.
..No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: FindSetupHostReportedFailure.
..No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: FindDownlevelFailure.
..No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: FindAbruptDownlevelFailure.
..No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: FindEarlyDownlevelError.
..No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: FindSPFatalError.
..No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: FindSetupPlatformFailedOperationInfo.
...No match.

SetupDiag: processing rule: FindRollbackFailure.
Error: SetupDiag reports rollback failure found.
Last Phase = Safe OS
Last Operation = Compress old OS
Error = 0x80070570-0x2000C
LogEntry: 2020-07-17 23:57:12, Error                 SP     CCompressOldOS::DoExecute: Cannot capture WIM image. Error: 0x80070570[gle=0x00000570]

Refer to  for error information.

SetupDiag found 1 matching issue.

SetupDiag results were logged to: .\SetupDiagResults.log
Logs ZipFile created at: .\
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32>


pour la suite : 

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32>  D:\DOWNLOADS/Err_6.4.5.exe 0x80070570
# No results found for hex 0x80070570 / decimal -2147023504
# as an HRESULT: Severity: FAILURE (1), FACILITY_WIN32 (0x7), Code 0x570
# for hex 0x570 / decimal 1392
  ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT                                             winerror.h
# The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.
# 1 matches found for "0x80070570"
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32>